Monday, November 10, 2008

Tell me the stories of Jesus.....

Come on in! Take a peek in our house during family home evening. Daniel gave a sweet lesson about gratitude including several scriptures from the Bible, quotes from a talk, and the reenactment of a famous parable.

There once were ten lepers. (In this case, I think the missing hands have more to do with disorganization in a teenage boy's room than with the actual effects of the disease.)

They came to Jesus to ask what they should do to be healed. (Despite his appearance, he did not tell them to use the Force.)

Jesus told them to go see the Priests, so they did.

Only one returned to give thanks to Jesus. He told that one that it was his faith that made him whole. The end.

After the parable, the lesson continued as we each had a chance to list different things we are grateful for so we could see the "thankful-o-meter" move its red arrow from left to right. I was thankful at that moment for a son who had the engineering skills to make such a thing actually work!


Romney said...

I love the things Daniel comes up with! What a fun way to have family home evening!!

Heather said...

We will be using this presentation next Monday night. Thank you very much!

ColleenDown said...

I will never hear this story and picture it the same way again!

cathyg said...

Is "rent a lesson" available from Daniel? I always love a great lesson from the kids in the family...those are usually the best ones!

Anonymous said...

I want Daniel to be my Gosple Doc. teacher. I would so make it to Sunday school more.
Thanks for all the new posts. The Halloween costumes are hilarious!

Heather said...

Isaac says he's thankful for the thankful o meter