Monday, December 28, 2009

"Our New Hygiene Tool"

There are so many things that I used to just keep to myself rather than embarrassing myself, but somehow it's a little bit fun to show my real family on my blog. Maybe it's because I appreciate it when others let their guard down, and I realize we're all a little off. So, as you read this stuff, I hope you are enjoying it, empathizing with me, or at least smiling rather than just thinking we're totally weird!

So, recently, Dale bought a small black light flashlight. The intention was to use it to find the places where our cat had peed on the carpet. In case you didn't know, a black light will make urine glow. It's a little disturbing to see on your carpet, but at least it makes it easy to find so you can clean it up.

Well, you can imagine that our family couldn't stop there. Black lights are also used to find scorpions in the desert because they glow in the dark. We don't have any scorpions here in the below-freezing high desert, so we had to think a little harder. How 'bout our toilets? Maybe we could see how well the kids clean them. Arghh!!!! I've now threatened to use the light as a check up tool on chore day.

But wait, there's more! Daniel wrote on his hand with an invisible marker which caused us to use the light to read it. While it was out, we discovered that ear wax glows and that a black light makes your teeth look the same color as those fake vampire teeth you get at Halloween. However, if you have crowns, those glow a light purple!! Did you know that???

While we were in the bathroom looking at my crowns, Daniel remarked that the black light must be "our family's new hygiene tool." It made me laugh. We are, indeed, a nerd family!
(And whether or not you're willing to admit it, I bet there are a few readers out there who now want their own black light. Give me a secret phone call or email me, and I'll give you all the info on where to buy the great little flashlight for hours of family fun -- and hygiene!)


jessica& said...

I wonder if it would illuminate milk and spit-up. I think that's what we would find a lot of at our house:)

Heather said...

I laughed out loud when I saw a black light on Dave Barry's gift guide, after you had just told me about yours. I have to admit, it seems like a rather useful tool, though I don't know if I really want to know the true state of my bathrooms.

Unknown said...

That is hilarious! Btw I found your blog off of Noreen's...I hope you don't mind me reading!
with 3 kids and the two dogs and Chad...I don't think I ever want to look for anything with a black light :)

Laura said...

Send me the info please. We needed one of those real bad when the boys first came and we couldn't figure out where the smell was coming from--the pee on the carpet, the garbage can, or the shower curtain. I think we are past that now, but it would still be fun to have!

Hope you had a great Christmas! We are one day away from Washington!

Missy said...

I don't even want to know what else I need to clean...what I can see is overwhelming enough! Also, my teeth already have their own "glow"...but thanks for the info in case I ever decide I am brave enough...! Oops, it is going to say this is from Missy, but it is Cathy!

Suzanne said...

I'll be up front. I want a black light. I think it would convince us to get new carpet rather than try to fix the current state! We were discussing melting soap the other day so that Callie could then remold it and I mentioned that the Wildes have a kitchen for experiments in her basement. Guess who wants to keep up with the Wilde's now?