I recently attended a baby shower for my niece Meagan. She has a little over a month before her due date and she's as cute as ever. It's gonna be a big year for Cheyenne to have two new little babies in the family!
It's amazing what a teenage boy can do with a little freedom in the kitchen. About a month ago, Daniel decided he wanted to make a fruit pizza that looked like a real pizza. This is what he came up with.
Then last week, he came home from school and thumbed through some recipes. When I asked what he was doing, he said he was thinking of making chocolate chip cookies, but then he saw the recipe for eclairs and thought that sounded good. He proceeded to make a batch of delicious eclairs from scratch without any help from me. I was so proud.
This last week was beautiful!! We had some serious spring weather. I even got some yard work done as I cleaned up some of the ugly dead stuff in the yard. Sadly, it's raining and snowing outside tonight. I knew it was too good to be true. The positive thing is that it won't last for long. Spring will come.
I wish I could say the same for my nephew Adam in Siberia. His recent letter mentioned that it's finally warmed up to normal winter weather. That means that now it's warm like a cold Utah winter. He says it's warm enough that it can snow now. Clearly, there is a good reason that God did not send me there on a mission!
Goodbye, shingles, hello, cold sore! I feel like one of those stress balls with water in it that you can squeeze and cause a bubble to pop out the side. Just as one bubble goes back into the ball, another one pops out somewhere else. After three weeks, the shingles have gone down leaving just some red marks. But as soon as that happened, a giant blister popped out on my lip. It's really attractive. I can hardly wait to see what is to come when this dies down. I'll keep you posted!
Take lysine for cold sores and canker sores. It works best if you take it right when you start to feel the tingling before it gets big, but it can still help if you start taking it now. Double up on the dosage for a few days (it won't hurt you, promise!)
I don't know about Lysine but I think I would just take a great big bite out of that pizza and take two eclairs and head to bed-at least until Spring makes another appearance. (Of course you have cold sores we are getting a picture taken, maybe next week, but by then my roots will be showing again. I think the RS picture is going to be there for a long, long time.)
Thanks for being so excited about the baby:) It totally makes up for my father-in-law not saying a word or even looking up from his computer when we told him the news!
Daniels cooking looks to die for. Looks like he has the Wilde fam culinary genes. His wife is going to be a very lucky lady.
I'm so impressed with Daniel. Tell him we'd be happy to help if he ever needs taste-testers. Thanks again for being at the blessing and all you do for our family! We love you guys!
Sorry about the cold sore! As one who has some experience with those, I know how you feel! Maybe you need to take a trip and get away from the stress! Doesn't solve anything, but it can change your perspective or at least put off facing things for awhile!:) Always an extra bed or two here for your kids...especially if Daniel will do the cooking! Hope things get better soon!
I don't know why you didn't put Daniel to work for the Annual Harvest Celebration.
I think I got some sympathy shingles on my elbow and sympathy cold sore under my nose. I hope when the sun comes out next week it all just melts away.
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