Sunday, January 4, 2009

Another year - another cake

 A couple of my very first blogs involved the preparation for and eventual presentation of a big wedding cake.  Since then, my blog has become the one place where I feel like I can share the cakes I make.  I mostly do it so I have a record for myself, but it's also fun to share an accomplishment with those that I think might find it interesting.  If you do, that's great.  If you don't, I never have to know you looked at it.  It's really a pretty low risk way to share!  Oh, but wait, I already took the risk 'cause I made this for a young bride at church.  The secret's out!  What was I thinking????


cathyg said...

It is a beautiful cake! I love the red on the white and the speckled cake in the middle! Way to start off the New Year!

Pattie said...

Wow! That is a gorgeous cake! You are very talented.

Heather said...

It's awesome. I love the contrast. You get better every year

jessica& said...

Mmmm! It is lovely! Just like you, your cakes are even better on the inside.

Romney said...

I cannot believe how talented you are!! I absolutely love it!! Plus I know how good your cake tastes too. It makes me want your yummy white cake with raspberry filling! MMMMM.... (I'm just hungry right now)